July 12, 2009
Manti Temple Trip
Last month we had a ward temple trip to the Manti Temple. We left Provo at noon and got to the temple in time for the 2:30 session.
Here's us outside the temple after the session. We were hoping that it would be good weather for the temple pageant that night, but it wasn't looking too good.

We ate pizza as a ward and waited in a candy shop for awhile before the pageant. It was pouring outside and we almost left for Provo, thinking sitting in the rain that night would not be pleasant.
But the sun came out! It was seriously a miracle. All those dark clouds behind Chase were finally leaving and the sun was coming out right before it set.
The pageant ended up being amazing, I'm so glad we stayed. Its something everyone should see at least once in their lives. And because it rained all day, hardly anyone was there and we got amazing seats and there was no traffic leaving! Talk about a blessing.
Wow. The Manti temple looks beautiful. And so do you 2!