You're Late!

So after wasting away yet another Saturday, I finally convinced Chase to get dressed as it is now 5:15 pm. To be fair it's not all his fault, but it doesn't matter how long you take to get ready as long as you finish first right? Then you can justly boss the other around and say things like "I'm always waiting for you!" and "I knew you would make us late..." This might not be the best way to behave towards your spouse but I can only follow the example set by my parents. I remember just this Christmas when Dad, Chase and I, Noelle, Colin and Aubrey were supposed to leave for the desert at 8:30 am. I must admit I was not ready until 9, but it turned out that my Dad was getting ready the entire morning, working on his plane and packing the car. In the meantime to stave off bordem, I offered to help Noelle add music to her new ipod. Finally around 10 or 10:30 my Dad got into the car and was ready to go. Well I spent the next 2 minutes finishing the ipod and ran out to the car. Immediately I was assaulted with my dad yelling about how he was ready and we were still running around making him late! Well the irony of the situation was just so overwhelming to me I couldn't even say anything, I just sat in the back and shook my head and laughed. With that example, what can i say? Well I better go because I just realized that I don't have mascara or shoes on and when Chase is finally ready, if I'm not ready to go he will turn the tables and start giving me crap for making him late. Ohhh, the irony.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least I am never late...you must have inherited that trait from your father! :)

dani said...
