
When Chase and I got to Utah on Thursday, we couldn't move in until Monday and we needed to kill some time. Chase had to be here Friday morning for a job interview so we decided to go backpacking up in the High Uintas in Granddaddy Basin. Really Chase decided and I had to act excited... but once we started packing for it I got pretty excited. So we set out Friday and hiked for about 4 hours into a campsite before hitting the hay. The next day we fished, camped, messed around and hiked out. It was nice to get into nature and spend some time together before the start of the semester. Here are some of the pics from the trip.

Us hiking into the basin. If we look tired its because we are!The only way to cross these two merging lakes was to walk across all these logs. Harder then you would think with a huge backpack on.Chase caught a big fish early in the morning. He usually throws them back, but this one bled so much that it died... (look at Chase's hand)So we had to eat it. It was actually pretty tasty!Me in our tiny campsite. Another fish, he caught about 5 total.I wanted to make sure we left our mark once we left!


Mark & Shalon said...

oh i'm so jealous! mark and i have been wanting to go backpacking for so long now, but just haven't found the time. it sometimes sucks having to act like a grown up and go to work all the time...boo.